Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Heat 98 Pistons 81

6 Thoughts

1) The Pistons are really, really bad. They got up 10 in the first quarter, but as soon as Miami gathered themselves and showed any semblance of coherent basketball, it was over. And this was with Dwyane Wade utterly ineffective: just 10 points in 28 minutes. Game that had to be got, and it got got. Let's do:

2) Well, well, well, look who is back: Mr. Mike Super Buckets Jimmy Cool Beasley. 28 points and 9 rebounds! Is it nitpicking to say that he wasn't crazy efficient offensively? He wasn't Iversonian, but he wasn't exactly Wadesque, either. And I thought his defensive help could have been a little quicker at times. And he dropped at least two or three rebounds. But overall, we will take it. Believe me, we will take it.

3) Eric Reid and Tony Fiorentino couldn't really mention it, but we have to. Dorell Wright, coming off a DUI charge in recent weeks, this week bounced back from that by having a naked picture of his doink circulating on the internet. Not on my internet, of course - I mean other peoples'. Dorell assumed a, ummm, stiff upper lip, and showed up to play: drilled 4-6 triples on his way to 17 points. I am all for the naked internet pictures if he is going to continue to make shots. Coach Spo referred to DWright's, ummm, hard week in his postgame press conference: "people do make mistakes, but we embrace them." Embrace them? Ewwwww!

4) Halftime "entertainment" in Detroit included tremendously fat guys dancing. Like, pulling up their shirts, and shaking their man boobs proudly, and dancing around. On the one hand, it was totally gross and ridiculous. On the other hand it is Detroit: these are people who, for the last 15 years, every time a ball goes out of bounds off the visiting team, the play-by-play announcer goes "DEE-TROIT," and then the crowd goes, "BASKET-BALL," and then has a big cheer and laugh, like that didn't get old about the time Ben Wallace retired 8 seasons ago. Wait - what? Ben Wallace is still on the Pistons? Oh, Jesus...Had to be frustrating to Dorell Wright: no one said a word about these fat guys taking off their clothes, except Heat play-by-play guy, the ever-fit Eric Reid, who claimed a loss of appetite from the show.

5) Jermaine O'Neal: Out, sprained knee and epaulets. In: Black suit, black tie, paisley blue tie. Pistons guard Richard Hamilton: Out, sprained ankle. But, in: Epaulets!!! As Tim Hardaway would say, "Sides is even!!!"

6) So, a lot of people ask me from time-to-time: what is life really like at Casa Dos? Well, there is a lot of fucking around, to be totally honest with you. But there are also serious discussions. For instance, this afternoon, after a day at the beach in old school Lauderdale-by-the-Sea with O. and P. Minutos, I sat out on the corner of our block with M.Minutos, and our neighbor G., while the kids did what kids do all over the neighborhood. We spend a lot of time out on the corner in this way with a few neighborhood regulars. It is just like Hamsterdam from "The Wire," except without drugs, legalized prostitution, or black people (except for my family). Today, somehow, we got to talking about what would happen if your parents were visiting one of your siblings and one of the parents died while they were there. Specifically, what if that parent had a really expensive watch, and your sibling just took it, and you never knew? Potential solutions we came up with for this problem: 1) Encourage your parents to buy really inexpensive watches; 2) If a parent dies while he is visiting your sibling, just assume your sibling is going to claim something of value, and immediately fly to your parents' house and claim some stuff for yourself; 3) Have your parents email you a list of everything they are bringing with them when they go to your siblings' house ("just for record-keeping purposes"). You think I am making this up, but I am not: we talked about this for an hour today. Wish we had come up with better answers...but, there is always tomorrow...


Friday in Indiana, which is somewhere in the midwest, I believe, perhaps in Missouri. See you then.
